
cheap beats by dre that slowly the glor

Chapter 409 Luo's sun strives for
Luo's sun said so that Wang Kuang certainly knows an interest and right away would is to smile to embrace a boxing to say to Luo's sun:"Since it is so, that at under take leave!"Say and would be a head don't return as well, turn round and then walked, walked not very simply!
Looking at Wang Kuang leaves of figure, eyes of Luo's sun are one Mi, but is suddenly and violently project a burst of kill an idea, cold hum 1:"The Kui gets he can say of exit!Zhang Yang is what person, can think does this kind of extraordinary plan come?Before seeing to me pour is a small Qu this guy!His city mansion but compare to want to enjoy in my imagination many!The man rises an elder brother!You need to be send several individuals to looking at this guy and see this boy to exactly play what pattern!"
Huang Zhong Ting signs a horse to would be to embrace a boxing to the order of Luo's sun should a , this matter's still handing over to Huang Zhong Ban Luo's sun is the just rest assured!But Guo Jia is to shake to shake head, said:"The lord is male, this matter perhaps also nothing important result, that at the back gives the person whom Wang Kuang gives decision, should can't easily expose!H'm, however the yellow general still can be similar to do, can ast least also disgusted this guy!"
Luo's sun and Huang Zhong all ordered to nod, immediately Guo Jia again is turn a head to hope to Luo's sun, the full face curiously asks a way:"The lord is male, we have already got to letter entrance to valley at present, lord Mr. exactly has extraordinary plan, can defeat this 100,000 western cool soldiers on the letter entrance to valley?"
Luo sun Hey once the Hey smile, but is to shake to shake head, say:"The western cool soldier that defeats in this letter entrance to valley face to face is absolutely impossible!The fighting strength of western cool soldier wants far far above the our army, even if is that the number is equal, we also aren't likely to beat lead them!Is much less now our troops and horses still shortage 50,000!Besides that western cool soldier still has the letter entrance to valley the natural defense, the commander-in-chief of western cool soldier is again the Xu Rong who is good at resort to arms, this battle, the difficult dozen gets very!"
"Hey Hey!Lord Mr. can don't want a deceit I!"Once Guo Jia Hei's Hey smile, the full face doesn't believe that the ground says:"Ever since that time belong to understanding lord Mr., have never seen main Mr. once do have no designing affair!This lord Mr. resolutely decide to hold with Cao, Sun Jian tear open face and also strike against Dong Zhuo alone and belong to under don't believe would don't intend in the main male heart!"Guo Jia so on saying, beside yellow loyalty is also a face to curiously hope to Luo's sun, obviously his plan to Luo's sun is to have much of interest.
"Ha ha ha ha!Know to deceive however your Guo Feng Xiao!"Luo's sun ha ha on smiling, immediately turn head to around swept 1 turn, make sure would be low voice to say after surroundings doesn't have others:"The matter arrives at present and tells you also no harm!I make this time, is a diversion, it accounts!Receiving the filial piety can also remember, on that day at Luo sun city, I receive of ambition just and virtuous strive for 2 people to my letter in reply?"
Listen to Luo's sun so on saying, Huang Zhong seems be like understand what, the but again could not grasp a point, but Guo Jia is what person, signed a horse to understand Luo meaning within sun words, immediately is a pair of eyes Shan naked, suddenly realize, say:"The lord is male of idea, might it not be let ambition just and the distance adult is another to send of the same group of horse, does the valley set out and attack Chang-an from the son noon?"
"Is much more than such!"Exert on the face of Luo's sun is a self-confident facial expression, suddenly stretched out two fingers, say:"I the life text hire to lead benefit state a troops and horses to send army to a son noon valley and inherit to take Chang-an!Just if only such, that letter entrance to valley guards a soldier only on hearing slight commotion, inevitable meeting rate the soldier return to aid!So I again the life Be high to conveniently get to emit blade to lightly ride and break enemy ranks a camp, walk Wu Guan, lead a green mire pass, inherit to take Wei south!If that slowly the glory want back to aid Chang-an of words, first essentials lead Gao Shun's this pass!"
"Green mire pass!"Guo Jia's face ascend a surprised, immediately face up spread all over a surprise, connected a voice to say:"Account so much!Indeed as expected is well account!The south arrives Chang-an from the Wei, all the way whole is a plain district, is suiting to emit blade to lightly ride to develop effect!The western cool soldier will be rescued with quickest speed Chang-an, have to also after here!Difficult afraid western cool soldier how again violent, can if be emitted blade to lightly ride to stare at last, even if is a whole army is routed not, also want to throw away one half troops at least!And, also absolutely too late rescue Chang-an!Chang-an once being offended to sink, that Yong state again big, also have no western cool impression of army body of!"
"E, lord male!"Huang Zhong is also beat many fierce battles of old will, just Luo's sun and Guo Jia says, but still makes him some to cut and polish not and deeply, right away would be to ask a way:"Since return to aid to Chang-an there is so strong risk, that Xu does the glory completely can choose not to return to aid?With these 100,000 western cool soldiers, plus natural defense in the letter entrance to valley, if they last-ditch letter entrance to valley, we also take him can't!"
"Ha ha ha ha!Yellow general!You thought to be wrong!"Guo Jia ha ha on smiling, but is rob before Luo's sun an explanation way:"These 100,000 western cool soldiers are really violent, the yellow general had to once think, if Xu Rong don't return to aid Chang-an and wait until be Chang-an captured by the our army, that Xu glory can thoroughly isolated don't aid!The western cool soldier is severe that is right, can they are also persons, also want to have a meal!Is were it not for reinforcements, we chase a letter entrance to valley a front and back, Xu Rong's troops and horses wants is not pass try very hard to, is not sit to wait to starve!So say, Xu Rong is forced by lord Mr. must return to aid Chang-an can not!"
Guo Jia so on explaining, Huang Zhong this be suddenly realize, immediately shook to shake head, towarded Luo's sun to embrace a boxing to drink a way:"Lord Mr. is really astute, end will from Kui not equal to!"Is yellow while just becoming friends with Luo's sun in those early years, loyalty knew that the skill that Luo's sun fights is very high, only these in the last years, Luo's sun because have Guo Jia, drama ambition just etc. a dry top-class strove for a private, so the day doing a lot of thinking was getting less, was on the whole a time to again see Luo's sun this unstrained viewpoint today, it also really let yellow loyalty didn't admire all don't go!
Smiled in a short while, Guo Jia suddenly be like thought of what, favour is lived to smile, say to Luo's sun:"Oh!Not to!Lord male!You just calculate of, also was just these 100,000 western cool soldiers in Yong state!Lord Mr. wants not forget, Dong Zhuo is in the cool state, just put 100,000 western cool soldiers!Is exactly his son-in-law's cow to assist lead!"
"The cow assists!"After Guo Jia brings up this name, eyes of Luo's sun suddenly the flash across is together cold light, his whole liveses can't forget, in those early years in the south in addition to sun city, the war that wears black A would project toward oneself of the arrows!Immediately Luo's sun again is that once the Hey Hey smile, say:"How may I forget!Stop worrying!As for cow assist those 100,000 western cool soldiers, I have already had an arrangement as well!However this, I still want to sell a crisis again!You wait to see when the time comes gamesome!"
"E!"Unexpectedly Luo's sun this words but is to make reference to a half not to say, but is give°ed Guo Jia and yellow loyalty to block up one sufficient Qiang, the in the mind is to hide a cat, without intermission in the at heart Nao Nao, that calls one suffered!However see Luo's sun like this facial expression, Guo Jia and Huang Zhong also know that Luo's sun will not say again, can be to temporary forget about it, immediately Guo Jia and then ask way to Luo's sun:"Lord male!We are already soldiers to face bottom in the letter entrance to valley now, that connecting down always should want to do what?"
Luo's sun ordered to nod and said:"Certainly!At least before the text hires their successful, we want slowly glory to drag along in this letter entrance to valley!Can not make Xu Rong scatter the attention to other places,cheap beats by dre!So tomorrow, I take battalion to close outside call!Hum!If I didn't estimate false words!That slowly the glory can't be again to shrink a tortoise!"
"H'm!"All of Guo Jia and Huang Zhongs are the parlances that agrees with Luo's sun, if there is no the battle three days ago, probably and slowly glory still really the turtle shrunk in the pass!But that suffered utter defeat, but was the morale that consumedly damaged a western cool soldier three days ago, and tomorrow Luo's sun this call, Xu Rong if again not closed, only afraid the morale of the western cool soldier in the letter entrance to valley was about to fall into valley bottom!Guo Jia even cannots help but smiling and said:"The lord is male, only hurtle this, this king Kuang also at last dided a good matter for us!"
Guo Jia says of have spirit, Luo's sun and Huang Zhong are all unbearable to smile, immediately Luo's sun woulds be to turn head to say to Huang Zhong:"The man rises an elder brother and temporarily do so!You and order the bottom go and let the officers and mens hold firmly time tonight to take a rest!Tomorrow, we directly open to leave for a letter entrance to valley to call!"
But the another part in encampment is exactly the tent of Wang Kuang him/herself, Wang Kuang is from Luo's sun there after coming back, but was a path to go straight own tent, toward or so took a look, finally point at a few confidants to drink a way:"You!Come over!Stay by the side tent surroundings for me, promise 10 inside prohibit to have one person to close to!"After order finished, Wang Kuang this just trusted to drill into tent.
But possess singly at this king Kuang of inside the tent, but early and early sit another one person, is exactly is previous to try to find solution a plan for Wang Kuang Chu of young scholar department Ma Yi.See Wang Kuang come in and took charge of Ma Yi to let go of the bamboo strips in the hand, raise head to looking at Wang Kuang to say with smile:"General king, how?What doubt can that Luo's sun have?"
Wang Kuang the face at the moment up can have no before sun in front that sort is easy at Luo, but the full face nervously says to Ma Yi of department:"Two childes!That Luo's sun seems to be at the doubt what!Just he by himself without asking, but make Guo Jia of his under charge ask me the affair for establishing Fu before concerning the third!I all pushed everythings to you damn fool Zhang Yang Shen according to two childes' explainations up, however the appearance that sees them seem to be not to believe this answer of mine!Just still borrow past give°ed me pay open, seem wanted a company measure what!"
"Guo Feng Xiao?"Take charge of Ma Yi's eyes one Mi, read Dao a time of this name, immediately again is say with a smile to Wang Kuang:"It doesn't matter!This also anticipates in my idea in!That Luo's sun originally isn't the common run of people, this small cheap trick, where can cheat lead he?Stop worrying!No matter how it is say, you is also the member who begs for alliance Tung now, Luo's sun wants to with concentration deal with Dong Zhuo now and has no effort to calculate yours!Hum!Just don't know that Luo's sun exactly how want to deal with this letter entrance to valley?Really make people very curious!"Say, took charge of Ma Yi's a pair of eyes Mi to become 1 to sew, see seem is staring at the bamboo strips in the oneself's hand, can idea but to where no longer know to fly to go to.
"That, two childes!We connect down should how act?"Wang Kuang respectfully inquires to Ma Yi of department, absolutely is like a minister son then toward own main son instruct generally.
Take charge of Ma Yi to return to absolute being, but is lightly say:"Don't the anything do!We quiet view it changes!"

